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LATIHAN BAHASA INGGRIS ( Text I is for number 1 – 5 )


Text I is for number 1 – 5

People Plant

          Plants are very important to life on our planet because they make oxygen that all animals including humans need to breathe.
          Plants also provide food that is eaten by many animals and people. The first people gathered wild plants from the countryside around them for food.
         Today we grow plants in fields and plantations to make harvesting easier. Plants also provide us with useful materials such as wood, cotton, paints, rubber and medicines.
          Plant leaves, stem flowers and sap have been used since the earliest times for medical purposes and even today, plant based remedies are popular across the world.

1.     What do animals and people need oxygen for?
        a. for eating               b. for their life                 c. to breathe                   d. for food

2.     How do first people find their food?
        a. By gathering wild plants from the countryside around them.
        b. By growing the plants in fields and plantations.
        c. By many animals and people.
        d. Plants provide food.

3.     What material can be made clothes?
        a. wood                     b. cotton                         c. pants                           d. rubber

4.     Why do people grow plants in fields and plantations?
        a. Because they need food.
        b. Because they gather wild plants.
        c. Because the plants grow in fields.
        d. To make harvesting easier.

5.     When do plants make oxygen?
        a. At night                                                          c. In the day time
        b. In the evening                                               d. This morning

Text II is for no.6 – 10

         Last week Mr. and Mrs. Anas, Andang and Dewi went to Pangandaran beach. They left by car at ten in the morning. Mr. Anas drove his car carefully. They came to Pangandaran in the evening. Then they went to a motel near the beach. They spent the night there.
        The next day, they went to the beach. They went on foot because the motel is not more than a kilometer from their beach. They started early in the morning because they want to see the sunrise. They enjoyed other activities. At eleven o’clock they went back to the motel. They stayed and had lunch there.

6.     Where is Pangandaran beach?
        a. In East Java.                                                 c. In west Java.
        b. In central of Java.                                         d. In Bali.

7.     How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Anas have?
        a. One                        b. Two                             c. Three                          d. Four

8.     How did Mr. Anas drive his car?
        a. By car                                                            c. To Pangandaran
        b. In the morning                                               d. Carefully

9.     Is the motel far from the beach?
        a. Yes, there is                                                  c. No, it isn’t
        b. It’s about 1 kilometer                                   d. Yes, it is

10.   When did they arrive in Pangandaran beach?
        a. In the evening                                               c. Next day
        b. In the morning                                               d. At night

11.   Tono looked for his lost wallet …. but he didn’t find it.
        a. something             b. everywhere                c. everyone                    d. somebody

12.   X       :      Do you see …. at the new house over there?
        Y        :      No, I see …. I think the house is still empty.
        a. someone – no one                                       c. nobody - anybody
        b. somebody – anybody                                  d. something – nothing

13.   X       :      Which one do you like, mango or orange?
        Y        :      I like both of them. But I ….. mango ….. orange.
        a. like – than             b. prefer – to                  c. would rather – than    d. prefer – than

14.   X       :      Do you see the …. animal in the world?
        Y        :      Of course. It is cheetah. It can run 70 miles per hour.
        a. biggest                  b. smallest                      c. fastest                         d. strongest

15.   Rani is as ….. as Rina. They are twins.
        a. younger                 b. old                               c. age                             d. older

16.   X       :      …….. you mind going to the canteen with me?
        Y        :      Of course not. Let’s go now.
        a. can                         b. will                               c. would                          d. let

17.   X       :      What …. Your mother do?
        Y        :      He …… a newspaper.
        a. is – reading                                                  c. do - reads
        b. does – read                                                  d. did – read

18.   I …. a new dress but I have ….
        a. am going to buy – any money                     c. will buy – no money
        b. am buying – some money                           d. bought – much money

19.   His grandfather …. When he ….. him.
        a. took a rest – visited
        b. was taking arrest – visited
        c. took a rest – was visiting him
        d. was taking a rest – visits

20.   X      :      When …. Rudy …. you?
        Y      :      Next Sunday.
a.      is – going to meet                                      c. does - meet
b.      is – meeting                                                d. will – to meet

II.      Match the sentences in column A with the words or sentences in column B!

He stopped his car.
The story tells the reader a past even.
Mom, I got ten at English.
Happy marriage.
This is not my dictionary.
Your uncle is going to come to your party.
Susi looked very disappointed.
Rony was cleaning the yard.
We will watch foot ball game on TV.
I forgot to return your book.
a. What an excellent mark.
b. last Sunday.
c. suddenly.
d. He promised.
e. Narrative text.
f. Thank you.
g. It belongs to him.
h. She was very happy.
i. Recount text.
j. When someone called him.
k. of course.
l. to night
m. When she lost her money

III. Read the text carefully and then answer the question no. 31-35.

A foolish Order

I was working in a photo store which specializes in restoring old photographs.
One day, a lady brought an old picture of a man sitting behind a cow, milking it.
“Can you fix this picture for me?” she asked. “
Sure. What would you like us to do?
“Can you move the cow?”
I stared at her astonishingly and replied.
“Move the cow?”
“Right. I want to know what my great – grandfather looked like. That’s him. That’s him,” She pointed to the feet sticking out under the cow.
“I don’t think we can do that”.
“Just move, the cow over, and we’ll be able to see his face,”  she insisted.
“I’m sorry. We don’t have the technology to do that”.
“Well, I think I’ll just take this somewhere else”.

31.   Where did the writer work?
32.   How many characters are there in the text? Who are they?
33.   Is the next recount or anecdote?
34.   Can the writer move the cow? Why or why not?
35.   “Just move the cow over, and we’ll be able to see his face,” she insisted.
        What does the word “we” refer to?
36.   Rini is telephoning her sister in Jakarta,Tutik, to tell her plan.
        Please make a dialogue in opening phone call!
37.   Make a dialogue based on the situation.
        You have homework but you can not do it. It’s difficult for you. You ask your sister to
        help you. But she can’t help you because she is very busy.
        What would you say to ask for help?
        How would your sister respond to it?

38.   Make the past continuous tense based on the words given by using when or while.
        a) I – study – English/my brother – do homework.
        b) Her father – sleep/someone – enter the room.
39.   Read the jumble sentences and then arrange them into a paragraph!
        a. He was happy to know that Sinta and Fikri waited for him.
        b. Arriving there Sinta and Fikri met the porter to confirm the arrival at 9.00 train fro
        c. He apologized for the 9.00 train late arrival.
        d. Yesterday Sinta and Fikri went to the station.
        e. At last the 9.00 train came at platform 1 and Rafiq got off.
        f. A few minutes later they arrived at the station.
        g. They wanted to pick up their friend, rofiq from Jakarta.
        h. He told them it would come in at platform 1 at 10.00.
40.   You want Rany to come to your house at 4.00 on Saturday night. Make an invitation
        using SMS.
41.   Change the sentence into the form of “not-any”.
        She got nothing from me.
42.   Change the word in brackets into correct form.
        I (call) … Roby last night, but he (be,not) … at home.
43.   Complete the sentences with the meaningful words of the jumbled letters in brackets. The underlined letter will be the first.
        a.    X     :    Do you …. In ghost? ( v i b e l e e )
               Y      :    Of course not.
        b. Teacher  :  Please, raise your hand if you …. To his idea ( r a e g e )
44.   It’s very big and strong. It’s grey. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves. It has four legs and
        big ears.
        What animal is it?
45.   Complete the dialogue!
        Fredy              :    Good morning. What can I do for you?
        Mr. Edward    :    …… I’m Edward from Australia.
                                     I have an appointment with your father.
                                     ……. I see him?
        Fredy              :    …….. Please come in and and have a seat. I’ll let him know.
        Mr.Edward     :    ……
        Fredy              :    You’re welcome.

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